bind: 请求 内核 把 socket address 和 socket descriptor 绑定
getaddrinfo: 解析服务器所需要的信息, 这个函数主要是来通过 DNS 获取 server 主机的DNS信息,比如 ip 地址,别名之类的,返回的是一个 struct 的指针。但是这个 struct 是一个静态变量,也就是说这些函数不支持多线程的访问,是线程不安全的。解决方法是定义一个 mutex 来加锁,任意时刻只能又一个线程在调这些函数。
打开 listen端口 : 做好接收请求的准备(listen端口一旦打开,只有等到服务器关闭的适合,它才会关闭,不然它会一只等待着接受请求)
accept: 等待连接
int main(int argc,char **argv) { int listenfd, connfd; char hostname[MAXLINE], port[MAXLINE]; socklen_t clientlen; struct sockaddr_storage clientaddr; /* Check command line args */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } listenfd = Open_listenfd(argv[1]); while (1) { clientlen = sizeof(clientaddr); connfd = Accept(listenfd, (SA *)&clientaddr, &clientlen); Getnameinfo((SA *) &clientaddr, clientlen, hostname, MAXLINE, port, MAXLINE, 0); printf("Accepted connection from (%s, %s)\n", hostname, port); doit(connfd); Close(connfd); } }解析uri:
Hostname: 去除前面的 https:// 或 http://
Port: 如果端口为NULL, 使用默认WEB: 80端口,否则额外端口 + 1
Path: 取出路径的部分,例如 "/index.html"
/* * Parse uri * Get hostname, path, port */ void parse_uri(char* uri, char* hostname, char* path, char* port) { char *get_host; char *get_path; char *get_port; /* Get host */ get_host = strstr(uri, "//") + 2; /* Get path */ get_path = strchr(get_host, /); if(get_path != NULL){ strcpy(path, get_path); strcpy(get_path, ""); } else{ strcpy(path, "/"); } /* Get port */ get_port = strchr(get_host, :); if(get_port != NULL){ strcpy(port, get_port + 1); strcpy(get_port, ""); } else{ strcpy(port, "80"); } strcpy(hostname, get_host); return; }请求header并发送给客户端:
User-Agent: 如 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.3) Gecko/ Firefox/10.0.3
Connection: 必须发送 Connection: close
Proxy-Connection: 必须发送 Proxy-Connection: close
/* * Get headers and sent it to the client server */ void requesthdrs(char *headers, rio_t *rp, int clientfd, char *hostname, char *path) { char get_hdr[MAXLINE]; char get_host[MAXLINE]; sprintf(get_hdr, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n", path); sprintf(get_host, "Host: %s\r\n", hostname); strcpy(headers, get_hdr); strcat(headers, get_host); strcat(headers, user_agent_hdr); strcat(headers, connection_hdr); strcat(headers, proxy_connetion_hdr); strcat(headers, emptyline); rio_writen(clientfd, headers, strlen(headers)); return; }客户端:
doit函数中对于客户端请求的header,需要判断是否是请求类型(GET)。然后加入uri函数进行分析,获取需要连接的服务器的hostname,port。修改客户端的HTTP Header,让proxy充当客户端将信息转发给正确的服务器,接受服务器的返回并转发给正真的请求客户端。
/* * Parse http request * Parse uri * Request headers * Connect to client * Server read files */ void doit(int fd, Node *node){ char buf[MAXLINE]; char method[MAXLINE]; char uri[MAXLINE]; char version[MAXLINE]; char hostname[MAXLINE]; char port[MAXLINE]; char path[MAXLINE]; char headers[MAXLINE]; char content[MAX_OBJECT_SIZE]; int size; int sum = 0; int clientfd; size_t n; rio_t rio, rp; strcpy(content, ""); rio_readinitb(&rio, fd); if (!rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE)) return; printf("%s", buf); sscanf(buf, "%s %s %s", method, uri, version); if (strcasecmp(method, "GET")){ clienterror(fd, method, "501", "Not Implemented", "Proxy does not implement this method"); return; } /* Parse url */ parse_uri(uri, hostname, path, port); /* Search Cache */ if(cacheSearch(node, hostname, path, port, fd)){ return; } /* Connecting to the end server */ clientfd = Open_clientfd(hostname, port); rio_readinitb(&rp, clientfd); /* Request headers */ requesthdrs(headers, &rio, clientfd, hostname, path); /* Receive message from end server */ while((n = rio_readnb(&rp, buf, MAXLINE)) != 0){ printf("server received %zu bytes\n", n); rio_writen(fd, buf, n); strcpy(content, buf); sum += n; } size = sum; /* Add cache */ Block *new_block = (Block*) malloc(sizeof(Block)); new_block = initCache(hostname, path, port, content); addCache(node, new_block, size); Close(clientfd); }缓存部分
/* * Insert cache at head */ void insertHead(Node *node, Block *data){ Block *newNode = (Block*) malloc(sizeof(Block)); strcpy(newNode -> hostname, data -> hostname); strcpy(newNode -> path, data -> path); strcpy(newNode -> port, data -> port); strcpy(newNode -> content, data -> content); newNode -> next = node -> head; newNode -> prev = NULL; if(node -> head == NULL){ node -> head = newNode; node -> tail = newNode; } if(node -> head != NULL){ (node -> head) -> prev = newNode; } node -> head = newNode; } /* * Remove cache at tail */ void removeTail(Node *node){ Block *newTail = NULL; if(node -> head == node -> tail){ newTail = node -> tail; free(newTail); node -> head = NULL; node -> tail = NULL; } if(node -> head != NULL){ newTail = node -> tail; node -> tail = newTail -> prev; free(newTail); (node -> tail) -> next = NULL; } } /* * Check the maximum size and add cache */ int addCache(Node *node, Block *data, int size){ node -> size = node -> size + size; if(node -> size <= MAX_CACHE_SIZE){ if(size <= MAX_OBJECT_SIZE){ insertHead(node, data); } } while(node -> size > MAX_CACHE_SIZE){ printf("Remove Node\n"); removeTail(node); node -> size = node -> size - MAX_OBJECT_SIZE; insertHead(node, data); } printf("Total size: %d\n", node -> size); return 0; } /* * If the cache hit, return the data to the server * If the cache miss, connect to the server and request for data */ Block* cacheSearch(Node *node, char *hostname, char *path, char *port, int fd){ Block *pointer = node -> head; while(pointer){ if(!strcmp(pointer -> hostname, hostname) && !strcmp(pointer -> path, path) && !strcmp(pointer -> port, port)){ rio_writen(fd, pointer->content, strlen(pointer->content)); printf("Cache Hit\n"); return pointer; } pointer = pointer -> next; } return NULL; }