!aaa new-model!aaa authentication login noacs noneaaa authorization network Qytang-Local-Group-Author-List local !redundancy!crypto ikev2 authorization policy Qytang-IKEv2-Author-Policy !crypto ikev2 keyring Qytang-IKEv2-Keyring peer serveraddress local ciscopre-shared-key remote cisco!crypto ikev2 profile Qytang-IKEv2-Profile match identity remote address identity local email [email protected] authentication remote pre-share authentication local pre-share keyring local Qytang-IKEv2-Keyring aaa authorization group psk list Qytang-Local-Group-Author-List Qytang-IKEv2-Author-Polciy!crypto ikev2 client flexvpn QYtang-Flex-Clientpeer 1 connect Tunnel0! !crypto ipsec profile Qytang-IPSec-Profile set ikev2-profile Qytang-IKEv2-Profile!interface Loopback0 ip address ip ospf 1 area 0!interface Tunnel0 ip address negotiated ip mtu 1400 ip ospf 1 area 0 tunnel source Ethernet0/0 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel destination dynamic tunnel protection ipsec profile Qytang-IPSec-ProfileServer
aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login noacs none aaa authorization network Qytang-Local-Group-Author-List local ! crypto ikev2 authorization policy Qytang-IKEv2-Author-Policy pool Qytang-Address-Pool ! crypto ikev2 keyring Qytang-IKEv2-Keyring peer Flex-VPN address pre-shared-key local cisco pre-shared-key remote cisco ! peer Spoke identity email [email protected] pre-shared-key cisco ! ! ! crypto ikev2 profile Qytang-IKEv2-Profile match identity remote address match identity remote email domain qytang.com authentication remote pre-share authentication local pre-share keyring local Qytang-IKEv2-Keyring aaa authorization group psk list Qytang-Local-Group-Author-List Qytang-IKEv2-Author-Policy virtual-template 1 ! crypto ipsec profile Qytang-IPSec-Profile set ikev2-profile Qytang-IKEv2-Profile ! interface Loopback0 ip address ip ospf 1 area 0 ! interface Virtual-Template1 type tunnel ip unnumbered Ethernet0/1 ip mtu 1400 ip ospf 1 area 0 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel protection ipsec profile Qytang-IPSec-Profile ! router ospf 1 router-id ! ip local pool Qytang-Address-Pool测试
*Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:Using mlist Qytang-Local-Group-Author-Lis and username Qytang-IKEv2-Author-Policy for group author request *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:AAA group author request failed *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 0,SA ID = 1):AAA group authorization failed *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 0,SA ID = 1): *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Verification of peers authentication data FAILED *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Sending authentication failure notify *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Building packet for encryption. Payload contents: NOTIFY(AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) server# *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Sending Packet [To i0:f0] Initiator SPI : 263F99FAD001A16C - Responder SPI : A4CF5ECB0 Message id: 1 IKEv2 IKE_AUTH Exchange RESPONSE Payload contents: ENCR *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Auth exchange failed *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):: Auth exchange failed *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Abort exchange *Jan 13 08:35:02.668: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 76,SA ID = 1):Deleting SA server#由于3A名称写错导致认证无法通过 ikev2 无法建立 Qytang-Local-Group-Author-Lis