【#能源价格上涨波及意大利游泳池#】连日来的俄乌冲突导致欧洲能源价格一路飙升。为了节约燃气和电力成本,意大利法恩莎市游泳池的负责人罗伯特·卡伯尼不得不提前关闭游泳池。卡伯尼说,伦巴第地区至少已经有十几家游泳池无限期关闭。The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has sent energy prices soaring in Europe. Roberto Carboni, the director of the Municipal Swimming Pool in Faenza, Italy, says he had to shut down the swimming pool earlier than usual due to rising energy prices. Carboni said that at least a dozen pools in the Lombardy region have been closed indefinitely.
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