简介: Request类是一个http请求的类,对于爬虫而言是一个很重要的类。通常在Spider中创建这样的一个请求,在Downloader中执行这样的一个请求。同时也有一个子类FormRequest继承于它,用于post请求。
yield scrapy. Request (url = zarten.com )类属性和方法有:
url method headers body meta copy() replace([url, method, headers, body, cookies, meta, encoding, dont_filter, callback, errback]) Request class scrapy.http.Request
(url[, callback, method= GET , headers, body, cookies, meta, encoding= utf-8 , priority= 0 , dont_filter= False , errback, flags])参数说明:
url 请求的url
callback 回调函数,用于接收请求后的返回信息,若没指定,则默认为parse()函数
method http请求的方式,默认为GET请求,一般不需要指定。若需要POST请求,用FormRequest即可
headers 请求头信息,一般在settings中设置即可,也可在middlewares中设置
body str类型,为请求体,一般不需要设置(get和post其实都可以通过body来传递参数,不过一般不用)
cookies dict或list类型,请求的cookie dict方式(name和value的键值对):
cookies = { name1 : value1 , name2 : value2 }list方式:
cookies = [ { name : Zarten , value : my name is Zarten , domain : example.com , path : /currency } ]encoding 请求的编码方式,默认为utf-8
priority int类型,指定请求的优先级,数字越大优先级越高,可以为负数,默认为0
dont_filter 默认为False,若设置为True,这次请求将不会过滤(不会加入到去重队列中),可以多次执行相同的请求
errback 抛出错误的回调函数,错误包括404,超时,DNS错误等,第一个参数为Twisted Failure实例
from scrapy.spidermiddlewares.httperror import HttpError from twisted.internet.error import DNSLookupError from twisted.internet.error import TimeoutError , TCPTimedOutError class ToScrapeCSSSpider (scrapy. Spider ): name = "toscrape-css" # start_urls = [ # # ] start_urls = [ "" , # HTTP 200 expected "status/404" , # Not found error "status/500" , # server issue ":12345/" , # non-responding host, timeout expected "" , # DNS error expected ] def start_requests( self ): for u in self .start_urls: yield scrapy. Request (u, callback= self .parse_httpbin, errback= self .errback_httpbin, dont_filter= True ) def parse_httpbin( self , response): self .logger.info( Got successful response from {} .format(response.url)) # do something useful here... def errback_httpbin( self , failure): # log all failures self .logger.info(repr(failure)) # in case you want to do something special for some errors, # you may need the failures type: if failure.check( HttpError ): # these exceptions come from HttpError spider middleware # you can get the non-200 response response = failure.value.response self .logger.info( HttpError错误 on %s , response.url) elif failure.check( DNSLookupError ): # this is the original request request = failure.request self .logger.info( DNSLookupError错误 on %s , request.url) elif failure.check( TimeoutError , TCPTimedOutError ): request = failure.request self .logger.info( TimeoutError错误 on %s , request.url)flags list类型,一般不会用到,发送请求的标志,一般用于日志记录
meta 可用户自定义从Request到Response传递参数,这个参数一般也可在middlewares中处理
yield scrapy. Request (url = zarten.com , meta = { name : Zarten })在Response中:
my_name = response.meta[ name ]不过也有scrapy内置的特殊key,也非常有用,它们如下:
proxy 设置代理,一般在middlewares中设置
request.meta[ proxy ] = https:// + ip:portdownloadtimeout 设置请求超时等待时间(秒),通常在settings中设置DOWNLOADTIMEOUT,默认是180秒(3分钟)
maxretrytimes 最大重试次数(除去第一次下载),默认为2次,通常在settings中 RETRY_TIMES设置
dont_redirect 设为True后,Request将不会重定向
dont_retry 设为True后,对于http链接错误或超时的请求将不再重试请求
handlehttpstatuslist http返回码200-300之间都是成功的返回,超出这个范围的都是失败返回,scrapy默认是过滤了这些返回,不会接收这些错误的返回进行处理。不过可以自定义处理哪些错误返回:
yield scrapy. Request (url= , meta= { handle_httpstatus_list : [ 404 ]})在parse函数中可以看到处理404错误:
def parse( self , response): print ( 返回信息为: ,response.text)handlehttpstatusall 设为True后,Response将接收处理任意状态码的返回信息
dontmergecookies scrapy会自动保存返回的cookies,用于它的下次请求,当我们指定了自定义cookies时,如果我们不需要合并返回的cookies而使用自己指定的cookies,可以设为True
cookiejar 可以在单个spider中追踪多个cookie,它不是粘性的,需要在每次请求时都带上
def start_requests( self ): urls = [ , , , ] for i ,url in enumerate(urls): yield scrapy. Request (url= url, meta= { cookiejar : i}) def parse( self , response): next_page_url = response.css( "li.next > a::attr(href)" ).extract_first() if next_page_url is not None : yield scrapy. Request (response.urljoin(next_page_url), meta= { cookiejar : response.meta[ cookiejar ]}, callback= self .parse_next) def parse_next( self , response): print ( cookiejar: , response.meta[ cookiejar ])dont_cache 设为True后,不会缓存
redirect_urls 暂时还不清楚具体的作用,知道的小伙伴们欢迎在评论留言
bindaddress 绑定输出IP
dontobeyrobotstxt 设为True,不遵守robots协议,通常在settings中设置
downloadmaxsize 设置下载器最大下载的大小(字节),通常在settings中设置DOWNLOADMAXSIZE,默认为 (1024MB=1G),若不设置最大的下载限制,设为0
download_latency 只读属性,获取请求的响应时间(秒)
def start_requests( self ): headers = { user-agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36 } yield scrapy. Request (url= , headers= headers) def parse( self , response): print ( 响应时间为: , response.meta[ download_latency ])downloadfailon_dataloss 很少用到,详情看这里
referrer_policy 设置Referrer Policy
FormRequest 类为Request的子类,用于POST请求
这个类新增了一个参数 formdata,其他参数与Request一样,详细可参考上面的讲述
yield scrapy. FormRequest (url= "" , formdata={ name : Zarten , age : 27 }, callback= self .after_post)点击“了解更多”看源代码,建议收藏