
etcd 集群
As we know the cluster members, their addresses and the size of the cluster before starting, we can use an offline bootstrap configuration by setting the initial-cluster flag. Each machine will get either the following environment variables or command line:
ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER="infra0=:2380,infra1=:2380,infra2=:2380"ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE=new--initial-cluster infra0=,infra1=:2380,infra2=:2380 \--initial-cluster-state newNote that the URLs specified in initial-cluster are the advertised peer URLs, i.e. they should match the value of initial-advertise-peer-urls on the respective nodes.
请注意,在初始群集中指定的 URL 是播发的对等 URL,即它们应与相应节点上初始播发对等 URL 的值匹配。
If spinning up multiple clusters (or creating and destroying a single cluster) with same configuration for testing purpose, it is highly recommended that each cluster is given a unique initial-cluster-token. By doing this, etcd can generate unique cluster IDs and member IDs for the clusters even if they otherwise have the exact same configuration. This can protect etcd from cross-cluster-interaction, which might corrupt the clusters.
如果出于测试目的使用相同的配置启动多个集群(或创建和销毁单个集群),则强烈建议为每个集群提供唯一的初始集群令牌。通过这样做,etcd 可以为集群生成唯一的集群 ID 和成员 ID,即使它们具有完全相同的配置。这可以保护 etcd 免受跨集互的影响,这可能会损坏集群。
etcd listens on listen-client-urls to accept client traffic. etcd member advertises the URLs specified in advertise-client-urls to other members, proxies, clients. Please make sure the advertise-client-urls are reachable from intended clients. A common mistake is setting advertise-client-urls to localhost or leave it as default if the remote clients should reach etcd.
On each machine, start etcd with these flags:
etcd 侦听侦听客户端 URL 以接受客户端流量。etcd 成员将广告客户端 URL 中指定的 URL 通告给其他成员、代理、客户端。请确保广告客户端 URL 可从目标客户端访问。一个常见的错误是将 advertise-client-urls 设置为 localhost,或者如果远程客户端应访问 etcd,则将其保留为默认值。
在每台机器上,用以下标志启动 etcd:
$etcd --name infra0 --initial-advertise-peer-urls \--listen-peer-urls \--listen-client-urls,:2379 \--advertise-client-urls \--initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \--initial-cluster infra0=,infra1=:2380,infra2=:2380 \--initial-cluster-state new$etcd --name infra1 --initial-advertise-peer-urls \--listen-peer-urls \--listen-client-urls,:2379 \--advertise-client-urls \--initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \--initial-cluster infra0=,infra1=:2380,infra2=:2380 \--initial-cluster-state new$etcd --name infra3 --initial-advertise-peer-urls \--listen-peer-urls \--listen-client-urls,:2379 \--advertise-client-urls \--initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \--initial-cluster infra0=,infra1=:2380,infra2=:2380 \--initial-cluster-state newThe command line parameters starting with --initial-cluster will be ignored on subsequent runs of etcd. Feel free to remove the environment variables or command line flags after the initial bootstrap process. If the configuration needs changes later (for example, adding or removing members to/from the cluster), see the runtime configuration guide.
以 --initial-cluster 开头的命令行参数将在 etcd 的后续运行中被忽略。在初始引导过程之后,请随意删除环境变量或命令行标志。如果以后需要更改配置(例如,在群集中添加或删除成员),请参阅运行时配置指南。
151sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2152sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo 153sudo sed -i s+download.docker.com+mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce+ /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo154sudo yum makecache fast155sudo yum -y install docker-ce156sudo service docker startcalico
calicoctl 配置文件,存储采用etcd
/etc/calico/calicoctl.cfgapiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3kind: CalicoAPIConfigmetadata:spec:etcdEndpoints: :2380,:2380,:2380启动节点calico 节点
[root@172-16-59-32 calicoctl]# ./calicoctl-linux-amd64 node run --ip= command to load modules: modprobe -a xt_set ip6_tablesEnabling IPv4 forwardingEnabling IPv6 forwardingIncreasing conntrack limitRemoving old calico-node container (if running).Running the following command to start calico-node:docker run --net=host --privileged --name=calico-node -d --restart=always -e ETCD_ENDPOINTS=:2380,:2380,:2380 -e ETCD_DISCOVERY_SRV= -e NODENAME=172-16-59-32 -e CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND=bird -e IP= -v /var/log/calico:/var/log/calico -v /var/run/calico:/var/run/calico -v /var/lib/calico:/var/lib/calico -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /run:/run quay.io/calico/node:latestImage may take a short time to download if it is not available locally.Container started, checking progress logs.2022-03-29 07:53:30.455 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 396: Early log level set to info2022-03-29 07:53:30.456 [INFO][10] startup/utils.go 126: Using NODENAME environment for node name 172-16-59-322022-03-29 07:53:30.456 [INFO][10] startup/utils.go 138: Determined node name: 172-16-59-322022-03-29 07:53:30.456 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 98: Starting node 172-16-59-32 with version v3.21.12022-03-29 07:53:30.456 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 110: Skipping datastore connection test2022-03-29 07:53:30.481 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 439: Building new node resource Name="172-16-59-32"2022-03-29 07:53:30.481 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 454: Initialize BGP data2022-03-29 07:53:30.482 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 1329: Including CIDR information from host interface. CIDR=""2022-03-29 07:53:30.482 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 554: Using IPv4 address from environment: IP= 07:53:30.482 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 530: Node IPv4 changed, will check for conflicts2022-03-29 07:53:30.486 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 790: No AS number configured on node resource, using global value2022-03-29 07:53:30.546 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 906: Selected default IP pool is 07:53:30.546 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 651: CALICO_IPV4POOL_NAT_OUTGOING is true (defaulted) through environment variable2022-03-29 07:53:30.546 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 992: Ensure default IPv4 pool is created. IPIP mode: Never, VXLAN mode: Never2022-03-29 07:53:30.555 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 1002: Created default IPv4 pool ( with NAT outgoing true. IPIP mode: Never, VXLAN mode: Never2022-03-29 07:53:30.555 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 651: FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT is true (defaulted) through environment variable2022-03-29 07:53:30.555 [INFO][10] startup/startup_linux.go 99: IPv6 supported on this platform: true2022-03-29 07:53:30.555 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 651: CALICO_IPV6POOL_NAT_OUTGOING is false (defaulted) through environment variable2022-03-29 07:53:30.555 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 992: Ensure default IPv6 pool is created. IPIP mode: Never, VXLAN mode: Never2022-03-29 07:53:30.566 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 1002: Created default IPv6 pool (fd69:9dec:d5c4::/48) with NAT outgoing false. IPIP mode: Never, VXLAN mode: Never2022-03-29 07:53:30.589 [INFO][10] startup/startup.go 208: Using node name: 172-16-59-32Calico node started successfully