from iptools import header, dict2proxy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup def parse_items(items): # 存放ip信息字典的列表 ips = [] for item in items: tds = item.find_all(td) # 从对应位置获取ip,端口,类型 ip, port, _type = tds[1].text, int(tds[2].text), tds[5].text ips.append({ip: ip, port: port, type: _type}) return ips def check_ip(ip): try: proxy = dict2proxy(ip) url = r = requests.get(url, headers=head, proxies=pro,timeout=5) r.raise_for_status() except: return False else: return True def get_proxies(index): url = %d % index r = requests.get(url, headers=header) r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding r.raise_for_status() soup = Soup(r.text, lxml) # 第一个是显示最上方的信息的,需要丢掉 items = soup.find_all(tr)[1:] ips = parse_items(items) good_proxies = [] for ip in ips: if check(ip): good_proxies.append(ip) return good_proxies就像在上面写的,有效性我直接使用了ip查询网站,获得的ip基本确保可以直接使用。
import json def write_to_json(ips): with open(proxies.json, w, encoding=utf-8) as f: json.dump(ips, f, indent=4)写入MongoDB
from pymongo import MongoClient as Client def write_to_mongo(ips): client = Client(host=localhost, port=27017) db = client[proxies_db] coll = db[proxies] for ip in ips: if coll.find({ip: ip[ip]}).count() == 0: coll.insert_one(ip) client.close()写入后使用RoboMongo查看
get_proxies.py import json import requests import time from proxies_get.iptools import header, dict2proxy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup from pymongo import MongoClient as Client import threading def parse_items(items): # 存放ip信息字典的列表 ips = [] for item in items: tds = item.find_all(td) # 从对应位置获取ip,端口,类型 ip, port, _type = tds[1].text, int(tds[2].text), tds[5].text.lower() ips.append({ip: ip, port: port, type: _type}) return ips def check_ip(ip, good_proxies): try: pro = dict2proxy(ip) # print(pro) url = r = requests.get(url, headers=header, proxies=pro, timeout=5) r.raise_for_status() print(r.status_code, ip[ip]) except Exception as e: # print(e) pass else: good_proxies.append(ip) def write_to_json(ips): with open(proxies.json, w, encoding=utf-8) as f: json.dump(ips, f, indent=4) def write_to_mongo(ips): 将数据写入mongoDB client = Client(host=localhost, port=27017) db = client[proxies_db] coll = db[proxies] # 先检测,再写入,防止重复 for ip in ips: if coll.find({ip: ip[ip]}).count() == 0: coll.insert_one(ip) client.close() class GetThread(threading.Thread): 对Thread进行封装 def __init__(self, args): threading.Thread.__init__(self, args=args) self.good_proxies = [] def run(self): url = %d % self._args[0] # 发起网络访问 r = requests.get(url, headers=header) r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding r.raise_for_status() soup = Soup(r.text, lxml) # 第一个是显示最上方的信息的,需要丢掉 items = soup.find_all(tr)[1:] ips = parse_items(items) threads = [] for ip in ips: # 开启多线程 t = threading.Thread(target=check_ip, args=[ip, self.good_proxies]) t.start() time.sleep(0.1) threads.append(t) [t.join() for t in threads] def get_result(self): return self.good_proxies if __name__ == __main__: # 主函数使用多线程 threads = [] for i in range(1, 30): t = GetThread(args=[i]) t.start() time.sleep(10) threads.append(t) [t.join() for t in threads] for t in threads: proxies = t.get_result() write_to_mongo(proxies) iptools.py header = {User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36} def dict2proxy(dic): s = dic[type] + :// + dic[ip] + : + str(dic[port]) return {http: s, https: s}总结