
前言:《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(International Ship and Port Facility Security Code,简称:ISPS Code或ISPS规则) 于2002年12月在伦敦召开的国际海事组织海上保安外交大会通过,并于2004年7月1日开始生效。这项规则是对于《1978年国际海上人命安全公约》针对船舶、港口及港口国政府机构对于最低安全(Security)一项的修正案。它规定港口国政府、船东、船上人员以及港口/设施人员察觉安全威胁并且采取相应预防措施的责任,以防止安全事件影响从事国际贸易的船舶或港口设施。

ISPS Code包括A、B两个部分,其中A部分是强制性的要求,B部分是对A部分要求的实施提供指导,内容相互对应。ISPS Code的主要内容有三个方面,即对缔约国政府的要求、对公司和船舶的要求和对港口设施的要求。


do you screen carry-on baggage and persons coming on board from bringing on board unauthorized weapons?

a. 检查所有试图登船人员的身份并确认其登船的理由;(等级1)

checking the identity of all persons seeking to board the ship and confirming their reasons for doing so by checking; (level 1)

b. 通过与港口设施联系,船舶应保证确立指定的保安区域对人员、行李(包括随身行李)、个人物品、车辆及其内容进行检查和搜查;(等级1)

In liaison with the port facility the ship should ensure that designated secure areas are established in which inspections and searching of persons, baggage (including carry on items), personal effects, vehicles and their contents can take place; (level 1)

c. 将已经检查过的人员及其行李与未经检查的人员及其行李隔离;(等级1)

Segregating checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked persons and their personal effects; (level 1)

d. 将上船人员与下船的人员隔离(:航运精英圈);(等级1)

Segregating embarking from disembarking passengers; (level 1)

e. 确定应采取保安措施防止人员擅自进入的身份检验点;(等级1)

Identification of access points that should be secured or attended to prevent unauthorized access; (level 1)

f. 对无人照看的行李进行检查和搜查。(等级1)

Unaccompanied baggage screened/searched.(level 1)


How do you intensify such screening as the security level increases from security level 1 to 2 or from level 2 to 3 ?

a. 增加对登船人员和个人物品的搜索频次和力度;(等级2)

   Increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons and personal effects;

(level 2)

b. 陪同船上的来访者;(等级2)

Escorting visitors on the ship; (level 2)

c. 对船舶进行全面或局部搜查;(等级2)

Carrying out a full or partial search of the ship;(level 2)

d. 对无人照看的行李进行100%的X射线透视;(等级2)

100 percent  X-ray screening of all unaccompanied baggage should be carried out ;(level 2)

e. 只允许对保安事件或其威胁进行反应的人员进入;(等级3)

Access is granted only to those responding to the security incident or threat there of and being prepared to cooperate with the responders and facilities; (level 3).

f.  向船上的人员发出指示;(等级3)

Directions of persons on board; (level 3)

g. 停止上下船;(等级3)

Suspension of embarkation or disembarkation; (level 3)

h. 为全面或局部搜查做出准备;(等级3)

Preparing for a full or partial search of the ship; (level 3)

i.  对无人照看的行李进行更充分的扫描(:航运精英圈),例如用X射线从至少两个角度对其透视;(等级3)

Perform more extensive screening to unaccompanied baggage, for example X-raying it at least two different angles; (level 3)

j. 拒绝接受无人照看的行李上船;(等级3)

Refusal to accept ship’s stores on board the ship; (level 3)


How do you segregate checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked ones ?

a. 将已经检查过的人员及其行李与未经检查的人员及其行李隔离;

Segregating checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked persons and their personal effects;

b. 将上船人员与下船的人员隔离。

Segregating embarking from disembarking passengers.


How do you inspect the ship stores that have been purchased ?

a. 在装船前进行检查,以确认其与预定的内容相符;(等级1)

   Checking to ensure stores match the order prior to being loaded on board ;(level 1)

b. 确保检查船舶物料和包装的完整性;(等级1)

   Ensure checking of ship’s store and package integrity; (level 1)

c. 确保立即对物料的储存采取保安措施;(等级1)

   Ensure immediate secure stowage of ship’s store; (level 1)

d. 对船舶物料予以更详细的检查;(等级2、3)

Subjecting ship’s stores to more extensive checking; (level 2/3)

e. 准备限制或停止船舶物料操作;(等级3)

Preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of ship’s stores; (level 3)

f.  拒绝接受船舶物料上船。(等级3)

Refusal to accept ship’s stores on board the ship. (level 3)

5)SSP 是否建立程序以保证船舶接收的物料是船舶预定的?

Are there any established procedures in SSP to ensure the ship stores received are those ordered ?


6)你船装有危险品吗 ? 如有,你是如何和负责货物装卸的人员协调以保证安全?

   Is there any dangerous cargo on your ship ? If any ,how do you confer with the stevedore for its safety sake ?


a. 如船上装有危险货物或有害物质,应列出其品名和积载地点清单,对其存放地点应进行严格监控(:航运精英圈),根据其货物性质及本轮保安状况,在必要时指派专人看管;

If any dangerous goods or hazardous substances has been loaded on board, an inventory of the descriptions and stow locations of such goods shall be prepared. Also, strict  surveillance and control measures shall be applied to this area, and, according to the characteristics of the cargos and security situations of this ship, assign personnel to take charge of them when necessary;

b. 所有危险货物或有害物品的装载、堆装、卸载均应由大副在现场监督,并根据其装船情况及时建立和更新清单;

The Chief Officer should on scene supervise the loading, stowing and unloading of all the dangerous goods or hazardous substances, timely establish and update the inventory according to their shipment;

c. 货物装卸过程有关保安方面的记录按日常货物操作要求在有关日志中记载。

Security related aspects of cargo handling process are to be recorded in an appropriate log as required for routine cargo operations.

2. 船上限制区域的标识以及防止未经许可进入船舶和限制区域的措施

1) 你采取什么方法来防止未经许可的人员进入受限制的区域如驾驶台、机舱、舵机间、装货区和其他的控制站 ?

What methods do you use to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing restricted areas such as the bridge, main engine room, steering compartment, cargo areas, and other control stations ?

a. 锁住或关牢进入点;(等级1)

locking or securing access points; (level 1)

b. 安排守卫或巡逻.(等级1)

Using guards or patrols. (level 1)

2) 当保安等级由1级升至2级或2级升至3级时,你有何加强措施来防止未经许可的人员进入限制区域 ?

How do you intensify actions to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas as the security level increases from security level 1 to 2 or from level 2 to 3 ?

a. 在进入点附近设立限制区域;(等级2)

Establishing restricted areas adjacent to access points;(level 2)

b. 指派额外人员守卫或巡逻限制区域;(等级2)

Dedicating additional personnel to guard and patrol restricted areas; (level 2)

c. 在船上保安事件区域附近或认为对保安构成威胁地点(:航运精英圈),确定新增限制区域、封锁通道;(等级3)

Setting up of additional restricted areas on the ship in proximity to the security incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is denied; (level 3)

d. 作为对船舶搜查的一部分对限制区域进行搜查;(等级3)

Searching of restricted areas as part of a search of the ship. (level 3)

3)船上在限制区域有无采取监视设备,这些设备一直开着吗 ?

Does the ship use surveillance equipment in restricted areas and is this equipment continuously monitored ?



Are there any principles and operating procedures clearly established in SSP to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas?



How are the warning signs for the restricted areas maintained?

a. 每一指定的限制区域应清楚的标明“未经许可禁止入内”;

Each designated restricted area is distinctly marked with a sign “restricted area authorized personnel only”;

b. 只有经船长许可的公司岸上人员(:航运精英圈)、租船人和其他访客才可进入限制区域;

Ship’s company, company shore staff, contractors, vendors, and other visitors authorized by the Master shall only access restricted areas;

c. 所有的限制区域应加锁保护,只有特许进入得人员才可配有钥匙;

All restricted areas are secured by means of door lock keypad, only the authorized personnel may hold the key of the places.


   What is the rules for the crew entering the restricted areas (e.g. radio room)

a. 未经船长授权不得进入;

Only authorized by the Master can be access;.

b. 限制区域( 如电报室)应加锁保护,只有特许进入得人员才可配有钥匙。

Restricted areas (e.g. radio room) are secured by means of door lock keypad, only the authorized personnel may hold the key of the places.

3. 防止在未经允许的情况下进入船舶的措施

1) 你如何确定登船人员的身份以及他们是否有合理的登船理由?

   How do you identify person coming on board and ensure they have a valid reason for being on board ?

a. 验证调令、登轮证、工作指令、引水指令、船检指令、来防者徽章、公务人员或其他措施,以确认登轮人员的合法性身份;

Verify reason personnel are embarking the ship by using joining instructions, boarding passes, work orders, pilot orders, surveyors orders, visitor badges, government identification, or other means;

b. 值班人员对来访者进行登记;

   watch-keepers are to register any visitors

c. 梯口保留来访者证件为其签发本船登轮证。

Retention of visitor ID badge and issue of ship ID.

2) 当保安等级由1级提高至2级或2级升至3级时,你对登船人员的身份以及登船理由如何加强确认?

   How do you intensify such screening activities related to personal identification and valid reason to be on board as the security level increases from security level 1to 2 or from level2 to 3 ?

a. 船长应通过船舶代理或其他可行的方式,核实来访机构的真实性;

.  The Master is to verify authenticity of the organization sending visitors through ship agencies or other practicable means.

b. 船舶保安员运用专业判断(:航运精英圈),查验其来访者的身份可疑情况。

   The SSO is to check suspicious points in the identification of visitors according to his professional judgment.

c. 与港口密切合作采取保安措施

close cooperation with the port facilities to take security measures

d. 只允许对保安事件或其威胁进行反应的人员进入。

Access is granted only to those responding to the security incident or threat there of and being prepared to cooperate with the responders and facilities.

3) 当船舶停泊时你是否确定登船的各个入口,你又如何防止这些区域不被非法侵入?

Have you identified the access points to the vessel when it is moored and how do you protect these areas against unauthorized access?



The Master will consider all operational and potential security impacts when deciding how many gangways are rigged at each port. This decision should consider the Security Level and manpower allocation of security staff to ensure smooth operations and safe, secure movement of the ships cargo.

4) 当登船人员的身份不能确定时,你如何和港口设施保安员取得联系?

How do you contact with the security officer to port facilities if the identity of the person coming on board cannot be certified?

a. 船舶保安人员和港口设施保安人员应通过VHF或电话建立直接通信联系,并进行定期测试。

Direct communications links are established between ship security personnel and the security personnel of the port facility via VHF or telephone. Those links are subject to periodic testing

 4. 任何发生保安事件的迹象或发生危险的应对程序,包括维持船上或船/岸间的关键操作的规定

1) 你是否对非法侵入船内或船上的限制区域,包括炸弹恐吓,破坏,或恐怖事件或犯罪行  为这类保安威胁有适当的程序?

Do you have procedures in place for security threats including bomb threats, unauthorized attempts to access the ship or its restricted areas, sabotage, or terrorist or criminal activities?


2) 如果有人企图非法进入驾驶台应采取什么措施?

What is supposed to be done if someone attempts to gain unauthorized access to the bridge?


Refuse access to the bridge, report to the Master/CSO, PFSO/relevant authority at once and make detail record.

5 对保安等级为3级时任一缔约国政府提出的任何保安指导的应对措施

1) 当船舶抵港时,你能对港口国政府改变保安等级迅速做出反应吗?

Do you have procedures in place to quickly respond to changes in security levels mandated by governments of ports at which the ship calls?


2) 你能举几个例子吗?

   Could you provide some examples?


a. 船舶物料交付:    

(1)对船舶物料予以更详细的检查,如: 100%;(等级3)

     Subjecting ship’s stores to more extensive checking; e.g. 100% (level 3)


     Preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of ship’s stores; (level 3)


     Refusal to accept ship’s stores on board the ship. (level 3)

b. 船上的限制区域:     


Setting up of additional restricted areas on the ship in proximity to the security incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is denied; (level 3)


Searching of restricted areas as part of a search of the ship. (level 3)

c. 进入船舶:     


    Limit entry to a single access point. (level 3)


    Access is granted only to those responding to the security incident or threat there of and being prepared to cooperate with the responders and facilities.(level 3)

(3) 向船上人员发出指示;(等级3)

      Directions of persons on board; (level 3)

  (4) 停止人员上下船;(等级3)

Suspension of embarkation or disembarkation; (level 3)

(5) 停止装卸货物(:航运精英圈),交付物料等;(等级3)

Suspension of cargo handling operations, deliveries etc; (level 3)

(6) 撤离船舶;(等级3)

Evacuating the ship; (level 3)

(7) 移动船舶;(等级3)

Moving the ship; (level 3)

(8) 为全面或局部搜查船舶作好准备。(等级3)

Carrying out a full or partial search of the ship. (level 3)

6. 存在安全威胁或发生危险时撤离的程序

1) 如果产生的危险或安全威胁的程度达到必须撤离船舶时,你能否有适当的程序?

   Do you have procedures in place to evacuate the ship if the magnitude of a security breach or threat justifies this action?


2) 如果发生类似情况,你如何确保向乘客或来访者说明?

   If so, how do you ensure passengers or visitors are accounted?


Providing additional specific security briefings to all ship personnel on any identified threats re – emphasizing the procedures for reporting suspicious persons ,objects ,or activities and the stressing the need for increased vigilance;

3) 事件过程中,你如何与港口和缔约国政府进行交涉?

   How do you interface with the port facility and contracting government during such an incident?


The Company is to be notified of any such incident as soon as practicable whether at sea or in port by the most appropriate means. When in port, the Port Facility Security Officer is to be advised as soon as practicable. All relevant details of the incident are to be reported. When a ship received an advice from coastal authority, the Master should obey this instruction and put the ship on alert

