•P2P案例:P2P文件存储、P2P VoIP语音电话、P2P 信任机制及信誉管理研究。
1. Searching Forward Complete Attack Graph Generation Algorithm Based on Hypergraph Partitioning
2. Rule-Based Security Capabilities Matching for Web Services
3. Reference-based importance assessment model of identity information
4. Architecture for secure SCADA system based on IF-MAP scheme
5. Multi-Policy Collaborative Access Control Model for Composite Services
6. GISL: A generalized Identity specification language based on XML schema
7. A survey of Identity Management technology
8. Towards a practical and scalable trusted software dissemination system
9. Application independent identity management
10. Open Problems for Privacy Preservation in Identity Management
11. A Consistent Hashing Based Data Redistribution Algoithm
12. JCLedger: A Blockchain Based Distributed Ledger for JointCloud Computing
13. PoPF: A Consensus Algorithm for JCLedger
14. A recursive construction of highly nonlinear resilient vectorial functions, Information science, 2014, 269: 388~396
15. Construction of highly nonlinear resilient S-boxes with given degree , Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2012.9, 64(3): 241~253
16. Balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , IET Information Security, 2011, 5(2): 93~99
17. Construction of even-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , Science China Information Sciences, 2013, 56(3): 1~9
18. On the number of rotation symmetric functions over GF(p) , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2012.1, 55(1-2): 142~150
19. Balanced 2p-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24(12): 2093~2096
20. On the number of rotation symmetric Boolean functions , SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2010.3, 53(3): 537~545
21. Construction of Odd-Variable Resilient Boolean Functions with Optimal Degree, J. Inf. Sci. Eng, 2011.06, 27(06): 1931~1942
22. Enumeration of balanced symmetric functions over GF(p) , Information Processing Letters, 2010 , 110(14-15): 544~548
23. A Secure Algorithm for Outsourcing Matrix Multiplication Computation in the Cloud, AsiaCCS 2017 workshop (SCC), 2017.4.2-2017.4.6
24. Practical Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing of Large-Scale Matrix Determinant Computation in the Cloud, ICCCS 2017, 2017.6.17-2017.6.18
25. Generalized Construction of Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity Using Univariate Polynomial Representation , IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2013.1, E96A(1): 360~362
26. Construction of odd-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity, IEICE Transactions, 2016.04.01, 99A: 853~855
27. Efficient and generalized geometric range search on encrypted spatial data in the cloud, IWQOS2017, 2017.6.14-2017.6.16
28. Construction of Odd-Variable Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , 10th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, Busan, SOUTH KOREA, 2009.8.25-2009.8.27
29. Construction of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , 8th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Kanazawa, JAPAN, 2009.12.12-2009.12.14
30. Enumeration of Homogeneous Rotation Symmetric Functions over F-p , 7th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2008.12.2-2008.12.4
31. New constructions of q-variable 1-resilient rotation symmetric functions over F-p, Science China Information Sciences, 2016.7, 59(7)
32. New constructions of q-variable 1-resilient rotation symmetric functions over F_p, Science China(Information Sciences), 2016.7.1, (07): 240~242
33. Efficient Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Image Retrieval in the Cloud , 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM), Nanchang, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2016.6.3-2016.6.5
34. A New Attack on RSA with Known Middle Bits of the Private Key , Ieice Transactions ON Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, 2015.12, E98A(12): 2677~2685
35. Generalized Pattern Matching String Search on Encrypted Data in Cloud Systems , Infocom2015, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2015.4.26-2015.5.1
36. Securing the cloud storage audit service: defending against frame and collude attacks of third party auditor , IET Communications, 2014.8.14, 8(12): 2106~2113
37. Enable Data Dynamics for Algebraic Signatures Based Remote Data Possession Checking in the Cloud Storage , China Communications, 2014.11, 11(11): 114~124
38. Semi-bent functions with perfect three-level additive autocorrelation, IWSDA 2017, 2017.9.22-2017.9.24
39. A lower dimension lattice attack on NTRU, 中国科学F辑英文版, 2018.春季, 61(5): 1~3
40. Securely outsourcing of bilinear pairings with untrusted servers for cloud storage, TrustCom 2016, TianJing, 2016.08.23-2016.08.26
41. Cryptanalys is of remote data integrity checking protocol proposed by L. Chen for cloud storage , IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, 2014, E97-A(1): 418~420
42. Tussle between APs in a Location-dependent Pricing Game. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11(1):338-345, 2012.
43. Modeling and performance analysis of information diffusion under information overload in Facebook-like social networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 27(9):1268-1288, 2014.
44. A model of social network formation under the impact of structural balance. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 30(9):, 2016.
45. Information diffusion in structured online social networks. Modern Physics Letters B, 29(13):, 2015.
46. Analysis of opinion spreading in signed social networks under the impact of structural balance. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(13):, 2015.
47. Estimating user influence in online social networks subject to information overload. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 28(3):, 2014.
48. Competitive diffusion in online social networks with heterogeneous users. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 28(22):, 2014.
49. Modeling of information diffusion in Twitter-like social networks under information overload. The Scientific World Journal, 2014:, 2014
50. Information diffusion in Facebook-like social networks under information overload. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 24(7):, 2013.
51. Mining topical influencers based on the multirelational network in micro-blogging sites. China Communications. 2013, 10(1): 93-104.
52. Detecting spammers in microblogs. Journal of Internet Technology. 2013, 14(2): 289-296.
53. Measuring the spreadability of users in microblogs. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C, 2013, 14(9): 701-710.
54. Mining tribe-leaders based on the frequent pattern of propagation. In the 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Kunming, China, April 2012: 143-153.
55. An influence strength measurement via time-aware probabilistic generative model for microblogs. In the 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Sydney, Australia, April 2013: 372-383.
56. A web service discovery method based on tag. In the 4th International Workshop on P2P, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing. Krakow, Poland, February 2010: 404-408.
57. Infer the probability of read in microblogs. In the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence. Nanjing, China, October 2012: 274-277
58. Infer the relationship of reintroduce in microblogs. In the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence. Nanjing, China, October 2012: 270-273
59. A word position-related LDA model. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2011, 25(6): 909-925.
60. Exploring event evolution patterns at the atomic level. In the 3rd International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery. Beijing, China, October 2011: 40-47
61. Using social intelligence for new event detection in microblog stream. In the 2nd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications. Xiangtan, China, November 2012: 434-439
62. Energy-Aware Geographical based Information Dissemination in Disaster Areas. Disaster Advances. May 2013. Vol 6.
63. Core-Based Dynamic Community Detection in Mobile Social Networks. Entropy. 2013. Vol 15.
64. Analyzing Community Core Evolution in Mobile Social Networks”. International Conference on Social Computing, SocialCom 2013
65. Efficient fine-grained shared buffer management for multiple OpenCL devices,Zhejiang Univ. - Sci. C (2013) 14: 859. https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.C1300078
66. P2P-based multidimensional indexing methods: A survey,JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2011.12.01,84(12):2348~2362
67. Spatio-temporal keywords queries in hbase,Big Data and Information Analytics,2016.1.5,1(1):81~91
68. Temporal Query Processing in Social Network,Journal of Intelligent Informaiton Systems,2016.12.13
69. Efficient Historical Query in HBase for Spatio-Temporal Decision Support,International Journal of Computers Communications & Control,2016.10.01,11(5):613~630
70. Indexing Historical Spatio-Temporal Data in the Cloud,2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data,Saint Clara, CA, US,2015.10.30-2015.11.2
71. Which is better for kNN query processing in the cloud: Sequential or parallel,EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Conference,Bordeaux, France,2016.03.15-2016.03.18
72. Storing and Querying Semi-structured Spatio-Temporal Data in HBase,Web-Age Information Management 2016,Nanchang China,2016.06.03-2016.06.05
73. Spatio-temporal Queries in HBase,2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data,Saint Clara, CA, US,2015.10.30-2015.11.2
74. Temporal social network: Storage, Indexing and Query Processing,EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Conference,Bordeaux, France,2016.03.15-2016.03.18
75. Temporal Social Network: Group Query Processing,International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications 2016,Porto, Portugal,2016.09.05-2016.09.08
76. Historical Geo-Social Query Processing,Web Technologies and Applications: 18th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2016,Suzhou China,2016.09.23-2016.09.25
77. Distributed Range Querying Moving Objects in Network-Centric Warfare,Proceedings of The 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2013,Sydney, Australia,2013.4.4-2013.4.6
78. TVBRT: A Time-varying Multivariate Data Visualization Method based on Radial Tree,ITCAE 2013,Hong Kong,2013.10.28-2013.11.01
79. Differential Cryptanalysis on Hash Functions: Theory and Practice, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.10, Gemany
80. A New Non-Merkle-Damgård Structural Hash Function with Provable Security,Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2015, LNCS 9198, pp. 661–673, 2015.8
81. Fast Collision Attack on MD5, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013(170), Spring 2013.
82. A Public Key Cryptoscheme Using the Bit-pair Method, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013(394), 2013.5
83. Construct MD5 Collisions Using Just A Single Block Of Message,IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010(643), Winter 2010.
84. Could The 1-MSB Input Difference Be The Fastest Collision Attack For MD5? EUROCRYPT 2009, LNCS5479(2009),Summer 2009.
85. How to find weak input differences for MD5 collision attack. Cryptology ePrint Archive (2009/223), http://eprint.iacr.org/
86. A New Collision Differential For MD5 With Its Full Differential Path, Cryptology ePrint Archive (2008/230), http://eprint.iacr.org/.
87. On the Security of H2-MAC, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 7(No.2),pp 139-148, Autumn 2013.7.
88. Fast password recovery attack: application to APOP,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing., 25 (2) :251-261, Spring 2014.
89. Equivalent Key Recovery Attack to H2-MAC,International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol.6(No.2), pp 397-402, Summner 2012.
90. On the Security of Digest Access Authentication,CSE 2011 and 11th Int. Symp. on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, SPAN(2011), pp 427-434, 2011.
91. On the Security of PPPoE Network, Security and Communication Networks, 5(10), pp 1159-1168, 2012/10/01.
92. Equivalent Inner Key Recovery Attack to NMAC,5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, CISIS 2012, 5/9/2012-7/9/2012, 4/9/2012.
93. How to Break EAP-MD5, 6th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice, WISTP 2012, 20/6/2012-22/6/2012, 21/6/2012, Oral Presentation.
94. On the security of PPPoE network,SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Vol.5(No.10), pp 1159-1168, 2012.
95. An Evolutionary Algorithm for Magic Squares. In 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation[C], Canberra, Australia, Dec., 2003, 2:906-913
96. A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Host-Based Intrusion Detection Using Sequences of System Calls, ICIC 2005, Part I, LNCS 3644, pp. 995~1003,2005.10
97. Problem decomposition-based scalable macro-evolutionary algorithms. In 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation[C], Seoul, Korea, April, 2001, 1:200-210
98. Entropy based-selection of optimal parameters in fault diagnosis of liquid rocket engine using genetic algorithms. 49th IAC(International Astronautical Congress), 1998.
99. Reliability-based modeling of typhoon induced wind vulnerability for residential building in Japan. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. 124(2014): 68-81.
100. Climate model-based probabilistic assessment of wind risk of residential buildings under projected future climate. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. 31(2): 98-110.
101. A Probabilistic-based Model for the Simulation of Typhoon Hazard, Proceedings of The 4th Academic Conference of Civil Engineering and Research, Xi’an City, Nov.24-25, 2017.
102. Statistics-based investigation on typhoon transition modeling, Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, September 2-6, 2012, Shanghai, China.
103. A scalable and reliable matching service for content-based publish/subscribe systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2015, 3(1): 1-13.
104. Scalable and Elastic Event Matching for Attribute-based Publish/Subscribe Systems [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014, 36:102-119.
105. A General Scalable and Elastic Matching Service for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3200.
106. Feverfew: A Scalable Coverage-based Hybrid Overlay for Internet-scale Pub/Sub Networks. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2014, 57(5):1-14.
107. Scalable and elastic total order in content-based publish/subscribe systems[J]. Computer Networks, 2015, 83: 297-314
108. A cloud‐assisted publish/subscribe service for time‐critical dissemination of bulk content[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2017, 29(8)
109. Two-view underwater 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under flat refractive interfaces. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 69(9): pp. 251-269.
110. GCPOF: a novel optical flow estimation algorithm leveraged by sparse ground control points. Journal of Modern Optics, 2016, 63(16): 1592-1599.
111. Rectification of curved document images based on single view three-dimensional reconstruction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A,2016, 33(10): pp. 2089-2098.
112. Refocusing images and videos with a conventional compact camera. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(3), 033104
113. Theory of multi-level refractive geometry. Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(9): 688-689.
114. A Highly Accurate Dense Approach for Homography Estimation using Modified Differential Evolution. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 31(S1): pp. 68-77.
115. Robust Multi-view L2 Triangulation via Optimal Inlier Selection and 3D Structure Refinement. Pattern Recognition, 2014, 47(9): pp. 2974-2992.
116. Practical Structure and Motion Recovery from Two Uncalibrated Images using ε Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution. Pattern Recognition, 2013, 46(5): pp. 1466-1484.
117. A Novel Unsupervised Approach for Multilevel Image Clustering from Unordered Image Collection. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2013, 7(1): pp. 69-82.
118. Two-view Underwater Structure and Motion for Cameras under Flat Refractive Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’12), 2012, pp. 303-316.
119. Experimental Study of the Influence of Refraction on Underwater Three-dimensional Reconstruction using the SVP Camera Model. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(31): pp. 7591-7603.
120. A Prediction-based Energy-conserving Approximate Storage and Query Processing Schema in Object-Tracking Sensor Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2011, 5(5): 909-937. (SCI: UT ISI 0003,排名第一)
121. Rethinking of the Uncertainty: A Fault-Tolerant Target-Tracking Strategy Based on Unreliable Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2012, 6(6): 1496-1521. (SCI,排名第一)
122. A Novel Target Tracking Approach Under Uncertaity based on Non-ideal Binary Proximity Sensing in WSNs, IEEE Sensor Jounal, Special issue on Flexible Sensors and Sensing Systems. (SCI,排名第一)
123. P-EASE: A Prediction-based Energy-conserving Approximate Storage and Query Processing Schema in Object-Tracking Sensor Networks, in the Proceedings of IEEE CASE 2011, June 10-12, 2011: 117-125. (EI: 553,排名第一)
124. A Fault-Tolerant Target-Tracking Strategy Based on Unreliable Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, in the Proceedings of IEEE IPDPS 2012, pp.2116-2125, May 21-25, 2012. (EI: 209,排名第一)
125. Divisional Perimeter Routing for GPSR Based on Left and Right Hand Rules. IEEE ICCSNT, 2011: 726-729. (EI: 546,排名第二)
126. Target Tracking with Pairwise Uncertainty in Wireless Sensor Networks: Qualitatively and Quantitatively. in the Proceedings of IEEE Cluser 2012 Workshop, September 24-28, 2012. (EI,排名第二)
127. An Adaptive Grid Division Algorithm for Target Location in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE ICISS, 2011: 826-831. (EI,排名第二)
128. A New Approach of Double-level Grid-Based Target Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensor 2012. (EI,排名第二)
129. Energy-Aware Geo-Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks in Disaster Areas, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. (SCI,排名第三)
130. Analysis of the Variance Reduction in SVRG and a New Acceleration Method. IEEE Access 6: 16165-16175 (2018)
131. Network Intrusion Detection through Stacking Dilated Convolutional Autoencoders. Security and Communication Networks 2017: :1-:10 (2017)
132. SVRG with adaptive epoch size. IJCNN 2017: 2935-2942
133. Session-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using a Deep Learning Architecture. MDAI 2017: 144-155
134. Machine Learning Combining with Visualization for Intrusion Detection: A Survey. MDAI 2016: 239-249
135. On Radius-Incorporated Multiple Kernel Learning. MDAI 2014: 227-240
136. Technologies for Decision Making and AI Applications. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 28(6): 523 (2013)
137. Active Learning to Defend Poisoning Attack against Semi-Supervised Intrusion Detection Classifier. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 19(Supplement-1): 93-106 (2011)
138. Grey Synthetic Clustering Method for DoS Attack Effectiveness Evaluation. MDAI 2011: 139-149
139. A Novel Method for Multibiometric Fusion Based on FAR and FRR. MDAI 2009: 194-204
140. Dynamic Neighborhood Selection for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. MDAI 2009: 327-337
141. Active Learning with Misclassification Sampling Based on Committee. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16(Supplement-1): 55-70 (2008)
142. Graph-Based Active Learning Based on Label Propagation. MDAI 2008: 179-190
143. 一种处理复杂变更事务的过程变更日志清洗算法,计算机应用研究,2009, 26(3): 893-896。(排名第一)
144. 一种基于左右手法则的GPSR分区边界转发路由协议. 计算机应用研究, 2011, 28(3): 1109-1101. (排名第二)
145. 一种基于双层栅格划分的无线传感器网络目标定位方法. 计算机科学, 2012, 39(6): 25-29. (排名第三)
146. 无线传感网中基于成对节点探测不确定性的目标容错跟踪方法[J].计算机科学,2014,41(2):182-190.
147. 一种基于无线传感器网络的目标定位跟踪方法及系统,6.2,发明专利,排名第五。
148. 一种非结构化P2P网络拓扑快速自修复方法,4.6,发明专利,排名第八。
149. 一种基于随机幻方构造的区块链工作量证明方法, 发明专利(2018)
150. 幻方身份双向认证与密约传输一体化方法,发明专利号:.2(登记号)
151. 幻方数码防伪方法及其防伪系统,发明专利号:.1 (登记号)
152. 一种用于身份真伪鉴别的幻方签名方法,发明专利号:2.2 (登记号)
153. 彩票数码防伪系统,实用新型专利:ZL9.8(登记号)
154. 幻方数码防伪系统,实用新型专利:ZL.2(登记号)
155. 多功能幻方数码防伪标签,实用新型专利号:ZL5.2(登记号)
156. 幻方多功能数码信息防伪标签及其防伪方法,发明专利号:5.7(登记号)
157. MD5碰撞攻击的差分路径构建, 计算机研究与发展, 2009年03月
158. 幻方问题的演化算法. 模式识别与人工智能,Vol.20(No.1), pp 28-34, 2007.
159. 二次背包问题的一种快速解法. 计算机学报,Vol.27(9), 2004,9:1162-1169
160. 多目标优化的演化算法,计算机学报,Vol.26(8),2003.8:997-1004
161. 多目标优化与决策问题的演化算法. 中国工程科学, 2002, 4(2):59-68
162. 基于函数分解的可伸缩宏进化算法. 自然科学进展,2001,11(6):661-667
163. 基于遗传算法与Shannon熵的故障监控参数优选. 自动化学报,Vol.26(5),2000,5:666-671.
164. 演化策略用于高维故障样本集最优统计聚类分析, 推进技术,Vol.21(5),2000.10:34-38.
165. 基于集合-覆盖模型的多故障定性诊断算法研究,宇航学报
166. 带认证邮局协议的密钥恢复攻击, Chinese Journal of Computers, 35(09), pp 1927-1937, 2012/9/15.
167. HBase中半结构化时空数据存储与查询处理,国防科技大学学报,2016.06.01
168. 基于对等计算的分布式时空查询处理系统的设计及应用研究,计算机应用研究,2011.01.01,(04):1342~1347
169. 一种构建Kademlia网络拓扑的高效算法,计算机应用研究,2009.2.15,(02)
170. 时空索引的演变与发展,计算机科学,2010.4.15,(04)
171. TVBRT:一种基于Radial Tree的具有度量属性的多变元时态数据可视化方法,计算机科学,2014.6.15,(06):5~11+17
172. 基于桑基图的时间序列文本可视化方法,计算机应用研究,2015.10.01,(09):2683~2687+2692
173. ITSON:一种基于拓扑演化的P2P智能搜素机制,国防科技大学学报,2010.6.1,32(5):160~165
174. HBase时空查询算法研究,小型微型计算机系统,2016.11.01
175. 基于簇核心的XML结构聚类方法,计算机研究与发展,2011.01.01,(11):2161~2176
176. 基于对等计算的分布式时空索引模型建立与整体框架研究,计算机应用研究,2012.01.01,(03):961~967
177. 共享存储可重构计算机软硬件通信的优化实现. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(8): 1637-1646.
178. 基于函数调用图的恶意代码同源分析
179. 垃圾评论自动过滤方法研究 国防科技大学学报,2012.10:491-496.
180. 一种面向涌现的比较性话题模型. 国防科技大学学报,2012.
181. 一种面向多文本集的部分比较性LDA模型. 计算机研究与发展,2009,26(2): 534-536.
182. 一种跨文本集的比较性混合模型. 湖南大学学报,2013.
183. 网络节点重要度的快速评估方法. 系统工程理论与实践,2013.6.